Not your typical antique shop!
#B812 - Fun For The Whole Family (last one)
#B814 - Jingle & Mingle Basket
#B820 - Baking Spirits Bright
#Bird222 White Heron with Wings Out
#Bird223 - Blue Bird with Wings Open and Head Up
#C40 - Chocolate Covered Blueberries
#DS20 - No-sugar Cherry Cordials 8-Pack
#FLOW4 - Metal Garden Flower
#G2 - Colourful Heron
#G21 - Applewood & Hickory BBQ Sauce
#G22 - Wildly Delicious Butter Chicken Sauce
#G23 - Newfoundland Screech Rum BBQ Sauce
#G24 - Great Canadian Meat Hot Sausage Sticks
#G28 - Red Crimson Hot Sauce
#GB10 - Charcuterie & Cheese Gift Box
#GD2 - 46.5" Tall Metal Bird
#GD231 - 44" Tall Heron with Wings Out
#GD30 - Metal Butterfly